What is the Personal Growth Course?
The Personal Growth Course is aimed at all those people who want to grow as a person and improve their life.
Course objectives
Everything you can imagine is real
Important course information
The personal growth course lasts 8 biweekly meetings. During the meetings there is a very brief theoretical part, a practical part and a final creative visualization.
What is creative visualization?
Creative visualization is a technique that consists of imagining (visualizing) things or situations in the mind to make them materialize and happen in reality.
The course program
Session 1
What do I want? What is my goal?
We will decide after exercising the 12 areas of balance on our wheel of life.
Creative visualization “My perfect day”.
Session 2
How is my self-esteem?
How can I strengthen it?
Creative visualization to strengthen love for myself.
Session 3
What do I have to change in my life to achieve my goal? Do I have to sacrifice something?
Is there something about me that I need to change or improve?
Creative visualization: change made.
Session 4
Are there any limiting beliefs that are preventing me from achieving my goal? I turn it into an empowering belief.
Creative visualization: enhancing beliefs.
Session 5
Are my values aligned with my goal?
Creative visualization: goal achieved with the values described.
Session 6
Do I have to forgive someone or myself?
Why is it important to forgive?
I learn to forgive with creative visualization.
Session 7
I learn to value what I have.
Empathy and gratitude exercise.
Session 8
I design my future with creative visualization.